Monday, July 15, 2013

81 Days?

So I haven't blogged in a while.

At first this was such a struggle that blogging my "progress" just seemed useless and embarrassing. I had a few slip-ups and started to feel like a cheater. Every now and then I'd grab a few drags from a friends cigarette while at the bar. I didn't even want it and I was upset that I did. The only benefit from that were chills all over my body. A temporary good feeling. But the taste and smell wasn't worth it, not even one bit. Vaping is SO much better.

I have also cut down on the frequency of vaping. I have started experiencing with different flavors of e-liquids, though. Right now I'm vaping "FrOOt StRiPeS" from a store in Riesterstown MD called VapeXcape, with a few drops of my V2 Menthol. I am in love with the combination.

Here are some things that I like about not smoking cigarettes:

  • The savings! - Even though I am using an alternative, it is much cheaper than buying a pack of cigarettes every other day for almost $7 a pack (okay, not always - I liked to use coupons) I have spent roughly about $60 every 2 months - and that's only because I am experiencing with new flavors and bought an extra battery. If I were smoking regular camel menthol silver, I'd be spending around $100/month. I won't need to restock anything until another few months also, because I stocked up during the V2 cigs Independence Day sale. 
  • I don't smell like smoke! - I used to not even notice the stench that cigarettes left behind. But now, I can't stand it! So many people that I know still smoke. Friends and family. The smell is awful and the smoke itself is uncomfortable. I feel bad for all the non-smokers I used to smoke around. 
  • My hands don't stink. - This is something I hated and noticed when I was a smoker. I found myself constantly trying to wash the smell off of my hands. It was gross. I don't have that problem anymore.
  • I don't have to stop at the store all. the. damn. time. - One of the reasons I bought a fuel efficient vehicle is so that I didn't have to stop at the gas station every other day. To have to go there just to buy a pack of cigarettes was annoying. I don't miss it at all. 
  • My chest doesn't hurt. - What makes a hangover worse? Painful lungs. When I drink I tend to smoke A LOT. The next morning was ALWAYS hell for me, even if I didn't drink a lot, I would still smoke a lot. 
  • My workouts last longer and I'm not winded as easily. - Self explanatory. 
  • FOOD TASTES GOOD - Holy crap. New found love for cheese, and chocolate. But not all chocolate. If something is too sweet, it's almost painful. I wasn't used to that kind of strength of flavor before. Perhaps that is a good thing. I haven't had much of a weight change so far. I actually weigh less today. 130 lbs. (and I fluctuate between 130-137)
  • Vaping is fun. - The experimenting with flavors. Not having to go outside all the time for a smoke (although I don't indoors in public places - I go outside for that, even at bars. I feel like is draws too much attention and confuses people, plus is looks a little trashy IMO). It's calming/relaxing; much like a cigarette used to be for me. I plan on working my way down to zero nicotine. This is the better alternative to smoking cigarettes and I'm okay with that. 
  • I'm not a burden to others. - No one has to wait for me to smoke my cigarette. More specifically, my Fiance. He doesn't smoke and doesn't allow cigarettes in his car (i wouldn't smoke in mine either if he was in it), rightfully so. So that meant that after a long car ride, I'd have to smoke a cigarette before going into a store or whatever it was that we might be doing. Or I'd have to pause a movie or hold off on cleaning up after diner so that I could have myself a smoke break outside. I don't have to do that anymore; and no one has to wait for me. 
  • I'm saving time. - Not only was I knocking years off of my life. I was taking 5 minutes here, and there, and here, and there to have a cigarette break. That's 10 cigarettes a day. 50 minutes a day. That's about 304 hours a year. That's 12 DAYS of my life I'd waste every year, all while killing myself. Ridiculous! Wasting my time, as well as other peoples' time. I have wasted 156 days in the last 13 years - Smoking. No more!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stress, anger, and bouncing back from a slip up.

So, I'm not sure if today is day 15, or if it is day 4.

It has been four days since I slipped up and smoked not one, but two cigarettes.

After that I went right back to vaping.

Lately I have been extremely on edge, angry, emotional etc. It is very hard to control at times. If anything is stressing me out, my anger and need for a cigarette increases so much that I have to puff on my e cigarette a good 6 times to even start to get over the feeling.

If things are going smoothly, and I don't have anything stressing me out in the moment, I can get right along without a craving and be perfectly okay.

I am starting to cough again. I don't know if it is because I am getting those two cigarettes out of my system, or if I am catching a cold due to this Maryland weather.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Slipped up.

I am sad to say that yesterday, I slipped up. I had a moment and I needed a cigarette. I feel weak for doing this.

Later on, I had another slip up and smoked another cigarette. Yesterday was extremely hard for me for some reason. I am thinking this will be harder than I thought and maybe I will need some sort of medication to help me quit.

I will not slip up today.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 11

I have slowed down on blogging since there really haven't been any huge milestones or things that have happened that are blog-worthy.

Still using my V2 - Light Menthol. Picking it up much less than I was initially. A bit moody in past days. Lots of boredom, but I have been conquering that mostly.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weekend update.

Day 4 - Had a few brews. Did not trigger me to smoke. I did vape more than usual though. I went to the mall amd purchased some medium strength cartridges. I really do not like the light at all. I barely get a vapor or menthol flavor. V2 should be here tomorrow. I am still using the first medium cartridge that I started with. So it was a waste to buy more. This thing is lasting forever!

Day 5 - attended my 5 year old nephews birthday party. Other adult smokers were there. Stuck to vaping. Developed a mean headache, not sure if its because I haven't had a regular cigarette or because of being around a ton of kids. Later that night I had a few beers and was around other smokers. Still didn't crack!

Today is day 6 and I am okay.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 3 recap.

Today is start of day 4!

My attitude has went from "Errrmagerrrrd this is soooo harrrrrd" to "I can totally do this".

Since I am still waiting for my V2 cigs to get here .I have run out of medium strength nicotine, so I am forced to use the light. It's not too bad and it's getting me by. I wish they had more flavor. Hopefully the V2 will.

Yesterday was good. I had many urges to smoke but the urges are not lasting as long as they were. Probably due to the amount of nicotine I am getting from using the vapor.

I have also done lots of research and I have found that the best way to vape is to take a puff, hold it in your mouth for a few seconds, let some out and then inhale. Inhaling directly from the e-cig (i have tried this with 3 different brands) causes the back of my throat to get irritated. You are actually not supposed to directly inhale as soon as taking a puff.

I am really looking forward to using the manual e-cig, I am tired of pulling so hard on these to get the right amount of vapor.

Oh, a side note. The term "Analog Cigarette" is really stupid. Who came up with that? It's just a regular cigarette. (after all my researching this term came up far too often not to comment on it)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 2 recap.

Today is start of day 3!

Yesterday was okay. I was very jittery and unable to sit still for most of the day. By night time I was much more calm. Cravings came and went all day.

Had a 35 minute drive yesterday. E-cig saved me there, as well as this morning during my 45 minute commute to work in horrible traffic.

 I am finding it a bit hard to concentrate and last night had a horrible headache.

For the most part I am not inhaling my e-cig, only sometimes. Maybe using it 5 times a day - about 3-4 puffs each.

(The E-cig I am using for the time being until my V2 gets here is from a company called SmokeFree. I got it from a friend a long time ago, it is decent, but not as good as V2 IMO - I am using medium strength menthol)