Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 2 recap.

Today is start of day 3!

Yesterday was okay. I was very jittery and unable to sit still for most of the day. By night time I was much more calm. Cravings came and went all day.

Had a 35 minute drive yesterday. E-cig saved me there, as well as this morning during my 45 minute commute to work in horrible traffic.

 I am finding it a bit hard to concentrate and last night had a horrible headache.

For the most part I am not inhaling my e-cig, only sometimes. Maybe using it 5 times a day - about 3-4 puffs each.

(The E-cig I am using for the time being until my V2 gets here is from a company called SmokeFree. I got it from a friend a long time ago, it is decent, but not as good as V2 IMO - I am using medium strength menthol)

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