Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 3 recap.

Today is start of day 4!

My attitude has went from "Errrmagerrrrd this is soooo harrrrrd" to "I can totally do this".

Since I am still waiting for my V2 cigs to get here .I have run out of medium strength nicotine, so I am forced to use the light. It's not too bad and it's getting me by. I wish they had more flavor. Hopefully the V2 will.

Yesterday was good. I had many urges to smoke but the urges are not lasting as long as they were. Probably due to the amount of nicotine I am getting from using the vapor.

I have also done lots of research and I have found that the best way to vape is to take a puff, hold it in your mouth for a few seconds, let some out and then inhale. Inhaling directly from the e-cig (i have tried this with 3 different brands) causes the back of my throat to get irritated. You are actually not supposed to directly inhale as soon as taking a puff.

I am really looking forward to using the manual e-cig, I am tired of pulling so hard on these to get the right amount of vapor.

Oh, a side note. The term "Analog Cigarette" is really stupid. Who came up with that? It's just a regular cigarette. (after all my researching this term came up far too often not to comment on it)

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