Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stress, anger, and bouncing back from a slip up.

So, I'm not sure if today is day 15, or if it is day 4.

It has been four days since I slipped up and smoked not one, but two cigarettes.

After that I went right back to vaping.

Lately I have been extremely on edge, angry, emotional etc. It is very hard to control at times. If anything is stressing me out, my anger and need for a cigarette increases so much that I have to puff on my e cigarette a good 6 times to even start to get over the feeling.

If things are going smoothly, and I don't have anything stressing me out in the moment, I can get right along without a craving and be perfectly okay.

I am starting to cough again. I don't know if it is because I am getting those two cigarettes out of my system, or if I am catching a cold due to this Maryland weather.

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