Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stress, anger, and bouncing back from a slip up.

So, I'm not sure if today is day 15, or if it is day 4.

It has been four days since I slipped up and smoked not one, but two cigarettes.

After that I went right back to vaping.

Lately I have been extremely on edge, angry, emotional etc. It is very hard to control at times. If anything is stressing me out, my anger and need for a cigarette increases so much that I have to puff on my e cigarette a good 6 times to even start to get over the feeling.

If things are going smoothly, and I don't have anything stressing me out in the moment, I can get right along without a craving and be perfectly okay.

I am starting to cough again. I don't know if it is because I am getting those two cigarettes out of my system, or if I am catching a cold due to this Maryland weather.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Slipped up.

I am sad to say that yesterday, I slipped up. I had a moment and I needed a cigarette. I feel weak for doing this.

Later on, I had another slip up and smoked another cigarette. Yesterday was extremely hard for me for some reason. I am thinking this will be harder than I thought and maybe I will need some sort of medication to help me quit.

I will not slip up today.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 11

I have slowed down on blogging since there really haven't been any huge milestones or things that have happened that are blog-worthy.

Still using my V2 - Light Menthol. Picking it up much less than I was initially. A bit moody in past days. Lots of boredom, but I have been conquering that mostly.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weekend update.

Day 4 - Had a few brews. Did not trigger me to smoke. I did vape more than usual though. I went to the mall amd purchased some medium strength cartridges. I really do not like the light at all. I barely get a vapor or menthol flavor. V2 should be here tomorrow. I am still using the first medium cartridge that I started with. So it was a waste to buy more. This thing is lasting forever!

Day 5 - attended my 5 year old nephews birthday party. Other adult smokers were there. Stuck to vaping. Developed a mean headache, not sure if its because I haven't had a regular cigarette or because of being around a ton of kids. Later that night I had a few beers and was around other smokers. Still didn't crack!

Today is day 6 and I am okay.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 3 recap.

Today is start of day 4!

My attitude has went from "Errrmagerrrrd this is soooo harrrrrd" to "I can totally do this".

Since I am still waiting for my V2 cigs to get here .I have run out of medium strength nicotine, so I am forced to use the light. It's not too bad and it's getting me by. I wish they had more flavor. Hopefully the V2 will.

Yesterday was good. I had many urges to smoke but the urges are not lasting as long as they were. Probably due to the amount of nicotine I am getting from using the vapor.

I have also done lots of research and I have found that the best way to vape is to take a puff, hold it in your mouth for a few seconds, let some out and then inhale. Inhaling directly from the e-cig (i have tried this with 3 different brands) causes the back of my throat to get irritated. You are actually not supposed to directly inhale as soon as taking a puff.

I am really looking forward to using the manual e-cig, I am tired of pulling so hard on these to get the right amount of vapor.

Oh, a side note. The term "Analog Cigarette" is really stupid. Who came up with that? It's just a regular cigarette. (after all my researching this term came up far too often not to comment on it)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 2 recap.

Today is start of day 3!

Yesterday was okay. I was very jittery and unable to sit still for most of the day. By night time I was much more calm. Cravings came and went all day.

Had a 35 minute drive yesterday. E-cig saved me there, as well as this morning during my 45 minute commute to work in horrible traffic.

 I am finding it a bit hard to concentrate and last night had a horrible headache.

For the most part I am not inhaling my e-cig, only sometimes. Maybe using it 5 times a day - about 3-4 puffs each.

(The E-cig I am using for the time being until my V2 gets here is from a company called SmokeFree. I got it from a friend a long time ago, it is decent, but not as good as V2 IMO - I am using medium strength menthol)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day one re-cap.

Yesterday was my first full day of not smoking cigarettes.

I busted out my e-cig whenever I felt the intense urge for a cigarette. It helped some, but it's nothing like the real thing. 

Did some work outs, watched some TV, cooked a diner that involved chopping lots of veggies - to try to keep my mind off of it.

I did have a true test of my willpower last night and as bad as I felt like I NEEDED a cigarette (which would have been quite easy, I could have just walked up stairs and got one from my father). I didn't. I stuck to my e-cig. 

I did however, almost take a cigarette butt out of the ashtray (I know gross, but so is smoking). Told myself no, and emptied it into the trashcan. 

I should have emptied it before I decided I was going to quit!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Found this!

101 Things to Do Instead of Smoking

I suggest going to this site when you've got a craving. Working for me right now.

Day one...continued

V2-cigs customer service are really starting to piss me off. Since Friday I have used the online chat three times to get my order straightened out so that what I ordered was what they had in stock so that it would be here soon.

Well, it still has not shipped and the order was never changed. It's just sitting there waiting to be filled while I am starting to hate my disposable Blu e-cig.

I'm so anxious and irritable. I hope day two is easier.

I want a cigarette SO BAD.

But I will not!


Day One. Skittles.

First day without a cigarette.

I ate too many skittles

Feeling anxious but Blu e-cig is helping somewhat.

Need to get some crunchy raw veggies for snacking.

Don't wanna be rainbow fat.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Blu disposable e-cig and cigarette coupons.

I know just as well as the next person that electronic cigarettes are not the best thing in the world, if you're just replacing regular cigarettes. But my plan is to taper off, to help alleviate the withdrawal symptoms. In this case, they have proven to be quite helpful in smoking cessation.

I still have two cigarettes left.

I just purchased a disposable e-cig by Blu. I like it. I can really see myself using the zero nicotine ones in the near future.

I have a small victory I'd like to share. When i got home from work, there were cigarette coupons in my mailbox. I always use those coupons. But this time, in the trash they went! Hooray!

I will continue to post my victories, no matter how small or insignificant. I will also post my not so proud moments. This is, after-all, a blog about quitting smoking.

Two cigarettes left.

I am still waiting for my V2 cigs to come in the mail. From the looks of things, they will not be here today.

So in the meantime, I will be headed to the convenience store and purchasing a disposable e-cig for the time being.


Oh neat! My first blog entry.

My brief summary.

My name is Tara and I am a smoker. I am only 26 years old, but I have been smoking cigarettes since I was 13/14. This is my second attempt ever to quit. The first time I used Nicorette gum, but traumatic events caused me to pick it right back up only about two months later.

Today, I am still a smoker. In my purse is my last pack of camel menthol silver. I have 4 cigarettes left. My last four.

My method for quitting will be my electronic cigarette.

So now we wait until it gets here.

I will be blogging my day to day progress.